Have you ever wanted your Summoner Name to stand out above the others? You may choose from a long list of rare usernames in NA, EUW, and EUNE. Your long desired Summoner Name is just a few clicks away!

Top Tier Names

Our ever growing list of names is made up of gems such as “Father”, “Feeder”, “Jungler”, or even champion names!

Low Level Accounts

All names will come on low level accounts with plenty of BE leftover. These accounts are for you to keep!

Helpful Staff

Contact our staff who are online 24/7 on Discord. They’ll patiently walk you through any problem you encounter.

Trustworthy Team

With over 200 vouches with proof of payment from our customers, you can feel safe purchasing a name from us.

How do I buy a name?Start by picking out your favorite name from NA, EUW or EUNE. Afterwards, join our Discord and open a new ticket. Staff will reach out to you in the ticket to discuss the name of your liking, as well as its price.

We welcome any questions or concerns you may have about the process.
How are prices decided?The price of a Summoner Name depends on its rarity and demand. Short and unique names tend to be more expensive than others.

Examples: “Smurf”, “Fool”, “Father”, “Maid” or any champion name.

How much BE/RP do I need?In order to swap names, you’ll need 13900 BE (or 1300RP).

If you don’t have enough, please tell us and we’ll help you.
How do I transfer my name?After coming to an agreement, a low level account containing your desired IGN will be sent to you. From there, change the name of your main account to the one you bought.

If you are worried your name might get sniped during the transfer phase, please tell our staff beforehand and we will transfer it for you!

Join our Discord and purchase your name now!